Saturday, December 11, 2004

My Goals - 2005

I've been thinking about my writing goals for 2005 and thought I'd share them with you...


  • To complete two single title contemporary romance novels by December 2005
  • To be more active in my RWA Chapter - Outreach International
  • To attend RWA Nationals in Reno in July
Daily Goals:

  • Write 3 -5 manuscript pages a day.
  • Update my blog with my progress -- this is to keep me honest and accountable for my production quota.
Short Term Goals:

  • Meet my 1st May 2005 deadline for my second manuscript
  • Complete a third manuscript by 1st November 2005
  • To submit proposal for novels to be released in 2006
Feel free to modify and use for your own writing goals.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Surviving Deadline...

It's the 21st November, 20 days after reaching my first dealine...and I've finally recovered...

But the cycle has begun again and I'm working on my second book a romantic suspense that features the second of the Buchanan brothers.

It's amazing how a simple telephone call can change your life.

Despite the stress that comes with being published, I find the world of publishing exciting and fulfilling. I have some many stories in my head, I sometimes feel as if I'm going crazy...but I hear that's all part of being a writer..

This month I've been watching as much television as I always have. I love DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, LOST, LAW AND ORDER X 3, CS1 x 3, THE APPRENTICE, COLD CASE..and the list goes on. I'm trying not to let it affect my writing and reading..

I'm currently reading Gwynne Forster's IF YOU WALKED IN MY SHOES. Gwynne is such a talented author.

Next up? I can't wait to read Maureen Smith's WITH EVERY BREATH!

Until next time..


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Welcome...My First Post...

Welcome to my Thoughts and Relections on anything under the sun....

Writing, reading, sex...Ok, I'm just kidding. This blog will be a strictly literary and intellectual experience for friends who care to visit...

It's just after 11:00 here on the island and I'm just finishing my night's work on my first manuscript. I'm in the final editing stage and will have it off to my editor by the 15th October...

So...that's all for tonight.. back to...
