Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Welcome...My First Post...

Welcome to my Thoughts and Relections on anything under the sun....

Writing, reading, sex...Ok, I'm just kidding. This blog will be a strictly literary and intellectual experience for friends who care to visit...

It's just after 11:00 here on the island and I'm just finishing my night's work on my first manuscript. I'm in the final editing stage and will have it off to my editor by the 15th October...

So...that's all for tonight.. back to...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled across your webpage and kudos to you for posting your thoughts. It's a free journey into the mind of a published author. Very interested in your work. I'm 11 chapters into my first piece of work myself. Very excited. Not a day goes by where I'm not inputting pages. Just thought I'd give you a big thumbs-up. You're doing the damn thing and for that I applaud your talent. Not too many brothas out there in the field. Blessings! Wanda